If you're intested in doing volunteer voice work (and uhm, by volunteer, I really mean *for free*, because Pakinggan Pilipinas is a project out of Pinoy-fiction love), drop me a line!
1. Record a four minute narration of any short story in mp3/wav form. (Don't worry too much if the background is noisy.)
2. Send to pakingganpilipinas@gmail.com. Do write: NARRATOR AUDITION in the subject.
3. If you're versatile and you want to send in more than one kind of narration, go for it.
4. Do let me know where you're from (and this has something to do with recording logistics).
I'm currently open to all kinds of voices, as the story calendar is still in progress, and a database of talent would make things easier.
(However, the most urgent need is a male teen for a story I've wanted to produce since last year.)
Thanks, and feel free to pass this note around!